Thursday, July 1, 2010

Week 1 Plus Some.

"You will again have compassion on us;
you will tread our sins underfoot
and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea." -Micah 7:19

Ok so I apologize to all those faithful readers out there for the lack of postage on this blog in the last two weeks. But here is what you missed. Awesomeness period.

Let's just start with camp week... Racine is one of the most amazing places on the earth and God blessed me thoroughly through that camp and the people of that city. I made a ton of new friends by meeting the volunteers and staff members, and cosponsors, and campers, people who I will never forget and that I thank God for putting in my life. Now for the real gritty details, I have never been that tired in my life. Even though most of it was my fault for staying up until 1:00 a.m. or later, still I exerted so much energy that I was exhausted mentally and physically at the end of the week, for which I also thank God (because of the opportunity to serve Him in such a way). Oh and can we just talk about Thursday Night Program real quick? I was moved to tears, quite literally by the way that God was working! The only word that kept coming to my mind was joy, which is ironic for how much crying and appearing sadness there was, but to me I knew it was not sadness, it was conviction and sorrow for sins, but I also saw redemption, and growth, and comfort, and encouragement, and the most of anything I saw was love. It amazed me on how broken these kids were and how God can reveal this brokenness but also give healing and restoration in the same moment. God had/has the strongest grip on these kid's hearts and yet he handles them with the greatest of care and delicacy. He is truly amazing and to see Him work is the greatest joy in my life.

Now for the travel week this past week. Oh wait I want to take a moment and talk about my new haircut and how awesome the campers and Charlie were about the whole thing. I now have a mohawk thanks to the campers bringing in enough cans to double their original total. Charlie our cosponsor who is one of the nicest and awesome men I have met also shaved his mustache which he had had for over 20 some years. Just a small shout out to them.. check out the article about it at but anyways now for travel and personal stuff. We traveled to cedar point which is always awesome great times there. Then we went to stay with a man named Paul right outside Detroit who lives on one of Henry Ford's old estates it was also awesome. But now we are in good ol' Canada, for our next week of camp. It should also be awesome. Something that is not awesome is my devo life right now, but something I am constantly reminded of is my goal for the summer which is the change of focus to God! Also not awesome is my insane missing of people. But now I'm rambling and it's time for bed. So goodnight I'll try to write sooner next time. Crew devos tonight Ephesians 4:1-16 good stuff.

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