Sunday, November 8, 2009

First One

Ok so this is my first one and I'm not sure what I'm suppose to say, but I feel like I need to vent a little bit so here we go:
1. I'm not in a good place right now, I'm really angry and just upset. It's doesn't really have to do with anybody or anything in particular. It's more just I'm upset with myself.
2. My relationship with God is suffering, and I coming to the realization that it's because of this that all of my other relationships are suffering as well, if not ending.
3. I write poetry, and it's really never really about anybody in particular, it usually has to do with a lot of things that are going on with me at that moment. Somebody might spark one, but I don't really think I have written one for somebody or about somebody.
4. I came to the realization that I have become the very thing that I don't want to be, and that is fake. I always hated fake people, and I have come to realize that I have over a long period of time become fake myself. I think it's more out of insecurity and self-doubt but all the same it still makes me fake.
5. This is a lot of depth for the first blog but I don't think anybody is going to read it anyways.
6. Saw the worst movie ever tonight "Gamer" hated it. Probably in the top 5, maybe 3, or 2 worst movies ever.
7. I'm going to bed, because I have to work tomorrow. So starts my week, which will surely be a busy one. I will try to keep this updated every so often. But who knows. I don't usually have much to say, as you can tell. Goodnight.

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