Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Things are so ironic sometimes aren't they? And I believe that God uses irony to get our attention sometimes. For instance, I find it very ironic that for the past couple weeks I have been wanting to get things in line, like my priorities and stuff (i.e. my time, my money, my point of view on things). And in the past two weeks on numerous different occasions, in different classes and chapel, I have heard people talk about the importance of these things. Ironic right? I don't know maybe it's not really irony and it's just God pointing me in the right direction, with a friendly reminder. I don't know.
But on another note things are looking up still, this week has been good overall, I'm still working on some things, but I think I'm making progress. This whole putting God first thing really does work, who would of thought? I am almost ahead on my homework for once, I finished a huge project tonight, and I'm glad it's over with. It just sucks to think about the future ones that are coming up though. It's a never ending circle, but that's college, oh well. Oh, I have YOKE camp this weekend, I'm pretty excited for that. YOKE is a volunteer organization that I work with that is an outreach to junior high kids, it's a blast for sure.
Not to be a debbie downer or anything but I was thinking about my Papa today. I miss him. He lives in Kansas, and has Alzheimer's. He is still in the early stages, and it's more just dementia right now but I just wish I could see him right now. I love him so much, and him and I were like best friends when I lived in Kansas, we were so close. I miss that.
Sorry, didn't mean to get all sad but just like everything else I say on here, it's just stuff I need to vent. But I won't leave without trying to bring the mood back up a little. Registration for next semester are tomorrow, it's nuts to think that I'm almost half way done with my first year in college! Time is something that moves at the speed of light. I get to go home in like 9 days, that's cool stuff. I get to see my family and some other people that I miss. I'm actually am really excited to see them all. But I'm going to sleep now, cause I'm gonna wake up early (aka 5:40) so that I can actually get the classes I want, like piano (that's right I'm taking piano and I'm gonna be awesome at it, so ladies prepare your hearts to be melted, just kidding I probably won't be very good at it but it's something I've always wanted to do.) But anyways goodnight.

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