Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I think one of the greatest feelings in the world is when any kind of stress is taken off your shoulders. And when I found out that my book review was pushed back to next week experienced this feeling. God is so awesome. Now I completely know that He didn't move back this review just for me, but it is definitely a blessing. And the more I reflect on this feeling that I had, I realized that it should be more common in my life. I worry too much about the most minute things. God is the relief that I need to take refuge in. Yes when the book review was postponed I was happy, but the feeling only lasted till the point I realized that I still have a ton of homework plus it's not like I don't have to do that assignment anymore, it's still a requirement. But the point that I'm trying to get to, is that God is the only relief that can give that feeling in a complete sustaining way. Realizing that with every breath I take God loves me and forgives me and forgets what I have done, is the biggest relief that I can describe. I think in a sense, faith can be described as; the absence of worrying. Something that I need to work on. With the realization and faith that God has an ultimate plan, I need to trust in that plan, and while seeking after this plan my worrying will just fall to the wayside. My faith takes the place of my worrying. Now I'm not saying that I will never worry again, that is just silly, but when I do worry, I will seek earnestly for the answer and comfort that I know God will provide. It's funny to look back at some of the things that I worry about or did worry about. The things you worry about are the things that you think about and focus on the most, they become your priorities. So in all honesty when you worry, you take your eyes off of God, and put something before Him. So why is it so easy to worry about things of this world that will surely die, and not worry about our relationship with God who is eternal and will live forever? God is the that relief to all our worries and stress. He is the feeling that we get when something is taken off our shoulders, but with Him it last forever, and not just till the next problem or assignment arrives. I pray that I never lose sight of that. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

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