Monday, June 14, 2010

Racine, Wisconsin (pt 1)

Okay so it's been a few days since I have written but that's thanks to sketchy internet service. But anyways can we just talk about how great God is and how blessed I am to have this job. Yesterday was registration in Illinois at the camp that we helped set up at, and it was just an awesome day. I mean I got to hang out with kids all day just being goofy and making people laugh and feel welcome. I cannot wait until Sunday when my first camp kicks off. The more I think about this job, the more I just fall in love with it, and the God for whom I have it. This is such a great opportunity for kids to encounter the love of Christ, and for me to even play a part in that is one of the biggest blessings of my life. Another thing that is amazing is the relationships with my crew and other staff that I am creating, and I can only pray that God uses them for the good and to His glory. I am hoping that I am able to help my crew grow closer to Him, and I am also hoping that they will challenge me to grow closer as well. But major downside of this job: goodbyes. It is filled with them everywhere I turn, and I knew that that would be the case, but it doesn't change how much it sucks. We finally left the crew that we helped set up and it was a ton tougher than I thought it was going to be, even saying goodbye to the campers that I had met that day sucked. But moving on to happier things, we are in Racine, Wisconsin which is where our first camp is taking place!!!! Set up starts Wednesday and kids arrive Sunday, and I could not be more excited! As far as my walk is going right now it's good, but obviously it could be better. I'm reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan (or at least attempting too I'm only on like chapter 2) but it's good so far. And our crew devos are going well, almost done with James and no matter how times I go through that book, God finds a way to slap me in the face with conviction and encouragement in a new way every time, and I thank Him that he does. If you haven't guessed from previous entries my goal for this summer is to refocus on Him, and as far as that is going, I think I'm getting there. It's tough, but I can see myself moving in the right direction at least. I pray that through crew devos and my own devos God continues to reveal to me areas where I need to refocus back to Him, and so far so good. But once again I've probably written too much, but oh well. I'm going to sleep, meeting the Charlie our cosponsor tomorrow, should be a great day. Peace Out.

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